West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney Leaders Column The Lennox – June 2014

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I’m writing this column as the World Cup match kicks off in Brazil and am really looking forward to the tournament. There is something special about summers when major sporting events like the football or Olympics are taking place and the whole country can sit down in front of the television and share the experience.


With that in mind we have a real treat in store this summer, first with the World Cup in June and then the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in July. I think the Games represent a fantastic opportunity for this area and Scotland to shine under the gaze of millions of spectators and TV viewers.


I hope that our younger generations make the most of this opportunity because it may be 30 years or so before we see them return to these shores. I’m sure they will if the success of the recent school baton relay in West Dunbartonshire is anything to go by. This involved hundreds of pupils from high schools in Clydebank, Dumbarton and Alexandria running to their associated primary schools holding aloft batons designed and created by the pupils. Like many thousands of residents, I have really enjoyed seeing all the photos on the Council’s Facebook and Twitter pages and judging by the comments so have you.


Before the Games we will also be welcoming the official Queen’s Baton Relay and I’m delighted to see that our Council has been one of the most positive and proactive with its plans for this occasion. Arriving on July 18 the relay will visit sixteen towns and villages and take in the junior highland games at Balloch, before ending in Clydebank for a family-friendly party in the evening. I know that there are a number of exciting activities taking place while the Baton makes its way round the area and full details will be announced next week. It is also great that, unlike at the Olympic Torch Relay, the baton bearers will include dozens of people from across West Dunbartonshire which should make it a real community day.


On top of all this it is also worth mentioning the other great summer events that this Council puts on. The Loch Lomond Highland Games takes place on Saturday 19 July at Moss O’ Balloch Park from 9.30am to 5pm. Last year an incredible 15,000 came out in the sun to enjoy the high-quality field of athletes compete for £15,000 in prize money and fingers crossed it will be the same this year. We also have the The 2014 Scottish Pipe Band Championships on Saturday 26 July 2014 which is the biggest event of the year for the Council with crowds of up to 25,000. Running from 10am – 6pm at Levengrove this really is a brilliant day out for the family with 140 pipe bands from across the world competing alongside a high-quality highland dance competition.


So the summer is looking action packed and whether you plan to spend it in West Dunbartonshire or further afield I hope you all have a great time.


Best wishes,

Martin Rooney Leader of West Dunbartonshire Council 

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