West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney

Dumbarton Common Good Fund – Budget Update May 2016

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At a meeting of West Dunbartonshire Council Corporate Services Committee on Wednesday 11th May, Councillors got an update on the 2015/16 Dumbarton Common Good Fund spending and the budget for 2016/2017.

The Dumbarton Common Good Fund spending was re-profiled in February 2013, setting out committed spend for a five-year period. The fund focussed its spending on grant funding to Dumbarton-based groups and to projects and operational costs.

In 2013, the Labour Administration also directed £325,000 for improvement projects in Dumbarton over the five years with £65,000 being available each year for larger project funding. The balance of unspent project funding from the Town Centre Management Fund was to be carried over in each year making a larger sum available in the subsequent year. The result of this approach has been to build up significant resources in the Dumbarton Town Centre Management Fund.

The Dumbarton Common Good Fund provided grants to the following organisations during 2015/16 and will continue to provide grants in 2016/17

  • £11,721 Alcoholics Anonymous
  • £ 5,000 Alternatives
  • £17,801 Bellsmyre Digital Project
  • £6,000 Bellsmyre Schools Out
  • £10,000 Dumbarton Senior Citizens
  • £2,600 Rockvale Rebound
  • £51,000 Scottish Maritime Museum
  • £40,000 West Dunbartonshire Citizen’s Advice Bureau
  • £3,360 Small Grants

In addition the Dumbarton Common Good Fund grants other projects and activities received support such as:

  • £14,354 Central Admin Allocation
  • £15,000 Christmas Lights
  • £9,050 Dumbarton Fireworks
  • £10,840 Estates Dept – Management Fee
  • £5,043 Town Centre Management

At the end of 2015/16 financial year the balance was £153,855. When this is added to the £65,000 already earmarked for the 2016/17 budget the funding available for this year is now £218,855.

So not only have we been able to maintain grant funding to a range of community organisations but we have also built up significant resources that can be used to improve the town. This shows that the action taken in 2013 was the right thing to do.

The timing of this is also helpful with all the activity going on in the town and with the reestablishment of the Dumbarton Town Centre Management Forum.


  1. The chair of the Dumbarton Town Centre Forum is Councillor David McBride.
  2. A link to the Dumbarton Town Centre Common Good Fund guidance and the application for grant can be found here:



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