West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney

New flats for Dalmuir progressing

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view-along-beardmore-street-resizeTwenty new flats for elderly and disabled residents in Clydebank have been given the go ahead.

The proposal to build two blocks of four-storey flats, which will be linked by a central glazed lobby, was granted planning permission on Wednesday.

Developer Wheatley Housing Group has also committed to contributing £12,780 to upgrade the nearby community park as part of the project at Auld Street and Beardmore Street.

A number of objections to the development were received, with concerns raised over the removal of 17 mature trees, the design and size of the flats, and increased traffic issues.

While Councillors were split over whether to approve or reject the plan, the Committee ultimately decided to grant permission because of the overall benefits.

Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, Convener of Planning, said: “This was not a straightforward decision for the committee to make and I was extremely mindful of the objections which had been raised by residents. However, this is an excellent opportunity to regenerate a site which has been vacant for a number of years and create much-needed housing for the elderly and disabled residents in our communities. The new development will be in-keeping with the flats recently built at Beardmore Place and continue to transform this former industrial area into a more residential destination.”

Once completed, the flats will provide 16 one-bed and four two-bed properties with lift access, with a private courtyard for parking also to be provided.

The 17 mature trees which will be removed during construction have been assessed by a tree survey report as being in poor condition. To compensate for the loss, the developer will plant a number of replacement trees on the site.

Provost Douglas McAllister, Depute-Convener of Planning, said: “We are committed to improving local housing in our communities and this development will help us to achieve that. I am also pleased that the developer has committed to helping upgrade the local play park, on Beardmore Way, as this will be of significant benefit to many nearby residents. These properties will provide fantastic homes for a number of local people and I look forward to seeing the project develop.”

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