West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney

Modern Apprentice lands a job with the MOD

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A Modern Apprentice was given an extra special 21st birthday present after landing a permanent job with the Ministry of Defence – just days after completing his training with the Council.

Craig Hutchsion, from Dumbarton, successfully completed a Level 2 Modern Apprenticeship in Sustainable Resource Management after spending a year working with the Council’s Waste Services section

It is the first time this Modern Apprenticeship has been offered by the Council and has proved extremely successful. Craig also gained an SVQ in Sustainable Resource Management – Waste Site Operative, having been supported by training provider Albion Environmental to complete his qualifications.

Former Our Lady and St Patrick’s pupil Craig, who lives in Castlehill, thoroughly enjoyed his year working with the Council and feels the skills learnt during this time helped him gain his new role with the MOD Police. He started his training with the MOD on 23 May – also his 21st birthday.

Craig said: “When I finished school I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I went straight into a job at Kilmalid bottling plant. These shifts were really irregular and I wanted to get something more permanent. I saw the apprenticeship advertised with the Council and thought it was a great opportunity to get some hands-on work experience whilst also gaining a qualification.

“During the course of the apprenticeship I’ve worked in a number of the recycling centres dealing with waste and have also gained experience operating the yard. Other skills such as time-keeping, co-operation and team work have all definitely improved as a result of the work I’ve been doing.

“My apprenticeship really focused my mind on finding a career that was right for me and I’m excited about the new challenge with the MOD.”

The Council’s Modern Apprenticeships programme is delivered through the Working4U Service, offering 18-24-year-olds in West Dunbartonshire a route into work and the opportunity to gain a qualification.

A further £600,000 has been committed to this programme, which will provide over 100 young people with Modern Apprenticeships within the Council and private sector each year

Councillor Kath Ryall, Convener of Corporate Services, said: “I am delighted that Craig found his Modern Apprenticeship so beneficial and his story just goes to show what can be achieved. By developing real-life work experiences, this helps to build up the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for. We are committed to improving the life chances of young people throughout West Dunbartonshire and Modern Apprenticeships are an important part of the jigsaw. I wish Craig every success in his new career.”

Councillor Tommy Rainey, Vice Convener of Corporate Services, added: “There are a wide range of Modern Apprenticeship and training opportunities offered through the Council’s Working4U service and it is extremely pleasing to see them having a real impact on young people’s lives. In this tough economic climate it can often be difficult to find a route into work, so Modern Apprenticeships are a fantastic opportunity for our young people.”

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