West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney


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Monica Lennon – Labour 

Responding to a BBC Scotland investigation that more than 250,000 children in Scotland have no access to school-based counselling services,Labour inequalities spokesperson Monica Lennon said:

“Access to school-based counselling should be available to all pupils and Scottish Labour has been challenging the Scottish Government to implement our proposals for over a year.
“There is a growing child mental health crisis in Scotland and a lack of ambition on the part of the Scottish Government to respond, so we share the frustration of charities, parents and teachers.
“Young people deserve the best start in life and Scottish Labour will continue to press SNP Ministers on provision of school-based counselling across Scotland.”
This storify highlights Labour repeatedly pressing the issue with the SNP  – https://storify.com/scottishlabour/mental-health-services-for-young-people-are-in-cri

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