West Dunbartonshire Councillor Martin Rooney

Martin Rooney


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Claudia Beamish MSP – Labour 

Claudia Beamish has today joined campaigners in demanding the SNP government strengthen its proposed Climate Change Bill.

Ms Beamish, who is Scottish Labour’s environment spokesperson, has previously urged the SNP to be bolder on the environment, leading the charge to ban fracking in Scotland.
The list of international development organisations challenging the SNP to strengthen the bill includes:
·         Oxfam Scotland
·         Christian Aid Scotland
·         Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF)
Labour has said the SNP government’s Climate Change Bill must deliver climate justice.
Scottish Labour’s environment spokesperson Claudia Beamish said:
“I welcome this call from global climate change campaigners for a strong Climate Change Bill in Scotland.
“We only have to look at the environmental disasters around the world in the last few weeks to see the damage that will be caused if we don’t take robust measures to fight climate change.
“Sadly, the SNP’s record in the environment gives me cause for doubt that this bill will be tough enough.
“The SNP government are in the process of cutting the tax on flights in half, with a view to abolishing the tax altogether, and have repeatedly refused to ban fracking in Scotland.
“It is vital for our environment that the forthcoming Climate Change Bill contains the necessary provisions to enable Scotland to be a global leader by example for climate justice. Scotland must show that our own commitments are fair and inclusive to communities and working people. This must include a Just Transition Commission as we shift to the low carbon and ultimately a net zero emissions economy.”

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